Artificial Intelligence Course In Chennai - Free Demo class

The simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, particularly computer systems, is known as artificial intelligence (AI). AI has been used in the past as an umbrella term to refer to some fields within computer science, such as machine learning, knowledge representation, planning, natural language processing, and perception. Nowadays, it has become more of an umbrella term that encompasses these areas together with other fields such as linguistics and psychology. Some people consider AI a danger to humanity if it progresses unabated; others believe that AI may be our best chance for long-term survival. If you’re looking for an Artificial intelligence Course in Chennai, then Ficusoft is the place for you! We offer practical training in areas related to AI and carry out live projects and evaluations to help you learn the subject with 100% placement and a certificate after completion of your course. To learn more about our courses, come and visit us at one of our Demo classes on the following dates sign up now!

Overview - Artificial Intelligence Training In Chennai

The recreation of human knowledge processes by machines, particularly PC frameworks, is known as artificial intelligence. Learning (the process of acquiring information and rules for using it), reasoning (using those rules to come to approximate or definite conclusions), and self-correction are among these processes. The concept was developed by John McCarthy who coined the term artificial intelligence at a conference at Dartmouth College in 1956. It is defined as the ability of a computer to imitate intelligent human behavior. Artificial Intelligence has been around since antiquity, but it has progressed quickly over recent years due to increased processing power and algorithmic developments. AI is being used extensively across many sectors including healthcare, finance, retail, education, and many more with increased adoption each passing year. With this drastic growth in the use of AI, there is also a rise in demand for skilled professionals that can harness its power. To cater to this rising demand, we at Ficusoft have introduced our Artificial Intelligence course to train students in programming languages like Python and Java, etc., along with teaching them topics such as machine learning, deep neural networks, etc., so that they are ready to take up challenging roles related to AI from day one.

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Real-Time Experts as Trainers

What Is AI?

The art and science of creating intelligent machines, brilliant computer programs, is known as artificial intelligence (AI).AI does not have to be limited to biologically observable methods, even though it is related to the similar endeavor of using computers to comprehend human intelligence. John McCarthy coined the term “artificial intelligence” in 1955, defining it as “the science and engineering of making intelligent machines.”Today, there is a lot more than just the use of computing power: some people refer to AI as the study of ‘intelligent agents. These agents perceive their environment and take actions that maximize their chances for success in their environment. Research may be focused on modeling natural systems or creating new algorithms for achieving certain functions. If we’re trying to create a system with artificial intelligence- an agent with characteristics such as perceiving its surroundings or taking actions- then we need a goal function; an equation that defines success or failure for our agent. A common way to do this is with a reward system. For example, if we want to teach an agent how to walk, one can reward it when it gets closer and closer to the point where walking becomes effortless. Another way would be through goals set by us humans or created by our agents.


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What Are The Types Of Ai?

AI has many different types but can be grouped into four main categories: artificial general intelligence, narrow artificial intelligence, and deep learning. Artificial general intelligence is the ultimate goal of AI. It would enable a computer or robot to do any intellectual task that a human being can do. Narrow artificial cognitive tasks are jobs that we don’t typically associate with high intellectual ability, such as recognizing objects or driving a car. Deep learning uses neural networks for machine learning and data mining. Neural networks are modeled after the human brain, where neurons transmit information using electrochemical signals. They consist of interconnected layers of nodes (or synapses), which process information from one layer to another and thereby produce an output signal. The nodes can either have input connections for receiving information from other nodes in the network, or output connections for sending information to other nodes. The relationships between the layers are weighted, meaning that some links carry more importance than others. A weighted sum of all inputs to a node produces its total activation level; this sum is then passed on through its connection if it has one. At each node, these sums may be multiplied by weights before adding them together. Every node computes a scalar value representing its total activation level. For instance, if inputs constitute 10% of activations at every node on average, then 10% must represent the maximum activation level possible at any given time.


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Reasons To Learn AI

1. The future of technology. As soon as you start using Artificial Intelligence, you will never want to go back to the old ways of doing things.

2. It is a rising industry and there are not enough people with the knowledge to fill these positions. There are always companies looking for AI developers but they can’t find them so they hire people who have less experience than they would have if they had a developer with Artificial Intelligence knowledge.

3.  It is an interesting topic and provides hours of entertainment and self-fulfillment because it is hard to predict what’s going to happen next.

4. Getting a basic understanding of AI will help you in many different industries such as healthcare, banking, retail, and education.

5. You may be surprised at how many fields are being impacted by artificial intelligence today; it has become one of the most popular topics on social media websites like Facebook or Twitter since its progress has been so rapid over the last few years.

6. You don’t need any formal qualifications for this course; we provide all the necessary resources (laptops).

7. We will teach you how to think creatively and solve problems through practical exercises and simulations.

8. In addition, our instructors have experienced professionals in the field of artificial intelligence. They will answer your questions about careers and new developments in the field.

9. We also offer online courses that combine live video sessions, chat conversations, video presentations, etc., which means that instead of traveling from city to city every week for classes, you can learn from home with us.

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Benefits Of AI

1. A high level of automation will be able to make decisions faster than humans do, and they won’t need to sleep.

2. AI will be able to teach themselves new things through trial and error, so they won’t need a teacher or a trainer every time they encounter something new for the first time.

3. AI is also capable of learning from mistakes that have been made before by other AIs, which can then lead them to more creative solutions and problem-solving skills that humans just don’t have.

4. AI is not programmed like human beings are; it learns as it goes along by inputting data into algorithms.

5. AI can process information up to 500 times quicker than a human being can; this allows machines to complete processes that would take humans days if not weeks in mere minutes.  In the future, robots will play an even larger role in factories because their intelligence levels are going to increase exponentially over time, making them better at completing tasks much faster and more efficiently than people ever could. The next generation of artificial intelligence is set to be far more advanced and sophisticated than anything we’ve seen yet, so we’re only seeing the beginning of what these machines are capable of doing! There are lots of implications for the future, especially considering all the possibilities involved with robotics. There’s no question that jobs will change and technology will improve, but many experts agree that there’s plenty of room for both humans and machines to thrive side-by-side when it comes to coming up with novel approaches to addressing issues. We’re living in exciting times with all the potential ahead of us!


Why Do You Want To Choose Ficusoft

Ficusoft is an internationally renowned company that offers various courses related to artificial intelligence. The company has helped many students become successful. With its team of experts, Ficusoft has a proven track record of 100% placement and certificate.

Ficusoft offers the best Artificial Intelligence course in Chennai with practical training, live projects, and evaluations. Our curriculum includes topics such as Data Science, Robotic Process Automation, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and more. To make this course more useful for you we have included both theoretical and practical sessions. Our company aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of AI including the science behind it while also teaching you how to apply it practically. It will equip you with skills that are in demand by industries. To make sure you get the most out of your time at Ficusoft, we offer projects and exams where you can showcase your skills. You will learn how to create machine learning models using R programming language, build chatbots and develop deep learning networks among other skills. We will help you find jobs in data analytics and process automation through hands-on sessions. If you want to know more about Ficusoft’s Artificial Intelligence Course in Chennai, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!

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Key Feature Of Artificial Intelligence

1. Data Driven and Optimized – AI is fundamentally data-driven, which means that it uses the data to drive its decision-making process, rather than human instincts or rules. It also strives for optimization, meaning that it can work toward maximizing any objective function without being given a specific goal

2. Computational Power – Traditional algorithms require a lot of computations and have trouble scaling with modern datasets. But some AI techniques are more scalable and use fewer computations than traditional algorithms

3. Self-Learning Systems – For example, deep neural networks are self-learning systems: they can learn from their experience over time

4. A More Data-Efficient Approach to Problem Solving – Some experts claim that AI will help us solve problems faster with fewer errors

5. Memory Capabilities – Humans have memory capabilities that AI does not possess. However, we are currently exploring ways for AI to be able to understand and retain information better by using machine learning algorithms, mimicking our brain functions. And this area of research is quickly evolving to come up with new solutions to these challenges. There’s already an area called cognitive computing dedicated to developing AI machines that think as humans do. We hope you feel the same way about this development!

How To Become A Certified In Artificial Intelligence

To become certified, certain prerequisites must be met. First, you need to have the appropriate background for the subject matter. Second, you need to have completed at least one year of full-time study or equivalent part-time studies at an accredited institution of higher learning. Third, you need to complete a supervised practical training or internship with an organization that has been approved by the Board of Certification. There is also an application process and exam fee involved. Finally, you will have to meet any other criteria that may be required by your university or program provider to receive certification. For example, if your program requires a specific degree like BA, BS or BSC then it would be necessary to obtain that degree before being eligible for certification. After completing these requirements, you can apply for the exam. The test is proctored by Pearson VUE and administered through CBT (computer-based testing). The online assessment measures knowledge in six competencies. You will take the examination through Pearson VUE at one of their testing centers on a computer connected to a proctor using CBT. You should know that each candidate’s score is based solely on their performance on the CBT exam. It doesn’t take into account essay questions or any potential prior knowledge of artificial intelligence

 Although AI may seem complex, like most computer-related subjects, it’s easier to learn when broken down into its parts. One of those components is machine learning. Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence and describes techniques used by computers to perform actions without being explicitly programmed. The main goal of machine learning is to allow for pattern recognition with minimal human intervention. Common applications for machine learning include computer vision and speech recognition, but many others have just as much potential application across all industries.

The second component of AI includes natural language processing (NLP). As you might imagine, natural language processing applies advanced algorithms to communications that are conveyed through language or text.

Prerequisites In Artificial Intelligence

#1: A strong foundation of programming, data structures, and algorithms is needed.

#2: Knowledge of probability and statistics is preferred.

#3: The ability to work independently as well as collaboratively with others is essential for this program. Admission requirements for the course include an interest in the field of artificial intelligence and a willingness to work hard on assigned projects for the duration of the program.

#4: Successful completion of the course requires that all assignments be completed satisfactorily with deadlines met or exceeded; this includes submitting papers by given deadlines, developing a final project by the deadline, designing programs by given deadlines, etc.

#5: Relevant knowledge from different areas such as cognitive science, philosophy, or neuroscience will also be covered during our training programs which should enable you to get a better understanding of various artificial intelligence topics. You can attend our demo sessions where we have experts who can answer your queries related to AI. You can even contact us if you want any help in deciding your career plan after attending the demo session.

Career Option After Completing Artificial Intelligence

Completing a course in artificial intelligence is an excellent choice for those looking to enter the technology field. There is high demand for individuals who have this type of knowledge and experience, and it is also a good choice for those who are interested in pursuing a career as a software engineer.

AI professionals can work in various capacities, including:

Software Engineer – AI professionals with the right skill set can become software engineers. They may design or develop software systems that incorporate AI components, such as computer programs or video games.

Data Scientist – Data scientists analyze large sets of data to find patterns or solve problems. They often use techniques like statistical modeling, machine learning, and analysis tools to extract insights from their findings. Other careers available for AI graduates include:

Senior Developer – Senior developers generally oversee other developers. They usually have more years of professional experience and expert-level programming skills.

Chief Technology Officer (CTO) – CTOs lead technical teams and come up with innovative solutions to new challenges faced by companies. Generally, they have many years of programming experience under their belt, as well as leadership skills honed through years at the top of the industry. The team’s innovation determines how successful the company will be; as a result, they must be aware of everything happening around them so they can make informed decisions. If you’re thinking about going down this path but don’t have enough experience yet, then taking courses in AI might be what you need to get ahead of your peers.

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Training Features

Real-Time Experts as Trainers

The most traditional way to learn with increased visibility, monitoring, and control over learners with ease to learn at any time from internet-connected devices.

Live Projects

Case studies based on top industry frameworks help you to relate your learning with real-time based industry solutions.


Adding the scope of improvement and fostering the analytical abilities and skills through the perfect piece of academic work.

Affordable Fees

Get Unlimited access of the course throughout the life providing the freedom to learn at your own pace.


With no limits to learning and in-depth vision from all-time available support to resolve all your queries related to the course.

Placement Support

Each certification associated with the program is affiliated with the top universities providing edge to gain epitome in the course.
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