AngularJs Training In Chennai – 100% Job Placement

AngularJS (or Angular) is an open-source client-side web application framework developed by Google that implements the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern. Angular runs in the browser, and has been built from the ground up to help developers create dynamic single-page and front-end web applications. Ficusoft, one of the best AngularJS training institutes in Chennai, makes the learning process fun and interactive with 100% placement and a certificate course with complete hands-on training using the most recent versions of AngularJS framework and all its supported technologies, including HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and jQuery.
AngularJS Training in Chennai

Overview - AngularJS Course In Chennai

AngularJS is a JavaScript framework that is used to build web applications with data-binding features. AngularJS is an open-source, front-end web application framework for creating single-page, browser-based applications. It was originally designed by Google employees to address some of the shortcomings of other frameworks like jQuery or Knockout JS. Many great features make it so useful including directives, services, controllers, and more. One thing to note about AngularJS is that it does not require any complex knowledge of HTML, CSS, or DOM scripting languages. What you need to know are simple terms such as binding, scope, and controller() function()().

Since its release in 2009, this tool has been adopted by tens of thousands of programmers who have combined their efforts on GitHub to create over 6000 modules that can be easily downloaded and added to your project. With these capabilities, you can use any kind of technology on your team’s project without having anyone waste time on configuration settings or new technologies just because they’re working together now. When everyone knows how to use AngularJS, a project becomes much more efficient. But learning everything you need to know about AngularJS takes time and patience; Ficusoft offers AngularJS training in Chennai for those interested in learning how to create dynamic single-page and front-end web applications under the guidance of real-world professionals.

Real-Time Experts as Trainers

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Real-Time Experts as Trainers

What is AngularJS?

Angular.js is a JavaScript-based open-source front-end web application framework mainly maintained by Google and by a community of individual developers and corporations to address many of the challenges encountered in developing single-page applications. It is a structural framework that helps with building well-structured and testable web applications, designed to solve several problems encountered in developing single-page applications, especially in terms of providing a mechanism for making asynchronous HTTP requests. This has been achieved by using two-way data binding between the view (HTML) and the model (JavaScript). The other main component included is the dependency injection which injects dependencies into classes only as needed rather than during instantiation. Dependency injection has also led to cleaner code; it’s easier to see which objects need which dependencies when reading code because they are not hardcoded into it. which makes building richly interactive web applications quick and easy. There are some libraries available on the internet that can be used along with AngularJS but they come at an additional cost. Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and jQuery will suffice before starting to learn Angular JS but if you want to build complex single-page applications then you must know about AJAX, Bootstrap, and JSONP among others. Ficusoft offers Angular JS training in Chennai to help you learn how to create dynamic single-page and front-end web applications under the guidance of real-world professionals. With 100% placement and a certificate, Ficusoft offers complete hands-on training with the most recent versions of Angular.

Live Projects


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Reasons To Learn AngularJS

1) AngularJS is one of the most popular frameworks for developing single-page and front-end web applications.

2) It is based on JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, which are all skills that are in high demand today.

3) many online resources can help you learn how to use AngularJS such as tutorials and videos, which makes learning more accessible than ever.

4) You will be able to build websites with dynamic content (e.g., live data feeds), without reloading the page by using two-way data binding– a key feature of Angular JS.

5) Being an MVC framework, AngularJS offers advantages like modularity and testability; the ability to maintain or modify components separately from each other; and built-in functionality to support the routing of application logic across multiple views.

Ficusoft offers courses in AngularJS ranging from basic concepts to building full-fledged applications. The courses consist of lectures, workshops, and hands-on experience that includes everything needed to equip learners with the right skill set needed for job hunting purposes. With Ficusoft’s guidance and input, participants can apply their newly acquired skills to real projects. The course fee includes certification after the program so participants can take advantage of this fantastic opportunity provided by Ficusoft India Private Limited!



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Types Of AngularJS

As a web developer, you’ll come across many different types of AngularJS:

-The typical single-page application with a JSON API that can be consumed by an Angular app.

-A Single page application that is only available from the client side and doesn’t use server data.

-A SPA built on top of RESTful services. This type of SPA is often called a hybrid because it contains both Angular and RESTful services.

-Single-page applications that are written with purely frontend technologies like jQuery, React, or Ember without any server-side data storage or access to a backend database. These types of SPAs don’t usually require much understanding of back-end coding as long as they have some understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. However, since these types of SPAs use so few external libraries, they may not work well if there’s no internet connection. One thing to note about these types of Angular JS apps is that even though there’s no server code involved, there’s still logic present on the client side which means there needs to be frameworks and libraries for things like user authentication and routing. A good example of this type of Angular JS application is Electron, a framework that lets developers create cross-platform desktop applications using mainly web-based languages like HTML and Javascript. Electron relies solely on what the browser provides but has all the features required to make a full desktop application such as file management, windowing systems, menus etcetera.

Affordable Fees

Benefits of AngularJS

You will be able to take advantage of these benefits by enrolling in our upcoming AngularJS course at Ficusoft! that it is a modern, web-centric framework, makes it easy to build applications that are reactive to data changes; that it uses HTML as the template language and also employs DOM scripting for development; and that it offers an elegant API for data binding and other important aspects. In addition, developers can utilize any number of third-party plugins to add extra functionality with ease. Unlike some frameworks, AngularJS does not require a particular front-end framework like jQuery or Bootstrap to work. It was designed to work seamlessly with your existing tools, so you don’t have to spend time learning new libraries or environments before you start building your app. And because AngularJS follows the best practices of object-oriented programming, it’s more maintainable and scalable than most other JavaScript MVCs out there on the market today. So what do you say? Are you ready to experience a whole new way of developing websites? Ready to see how much easier life could be when it comes to managing data and updating content across many pages of a site simultaneously? If so, come join us this fall during our short course on AngularJS. We guarantee that you won’t regret it!


Why Do You Want To Choose Ficusoft

Choosing a good trainer is important, but you also need to make sure that the trainer has the right credentials. The best way to do that is to check out their course content, which should cover AngularJS basics and provide several examples of how to apply those principles in your applications. Trainers should also be familiar with the latest versions of Angular, including Angular 5+. Ficusoft provides complete hands-on training with the most recent versions of Angular. With high-quality trainers who offer 100% placement and a certificate, Ficusoft offers types of AngularJS courses such as full-time, online webinars, and short-term workshops. These types can vary in length depending on what you want. In terms of cost, this varies depending on what type of course it is and where it’s being held. Full-time courses are more expensive than short-term workshops, and both are more expensive than online webinars. You can even find discounted rates by enrolling early!

 If you’re interested in developing real-world applications with AngularJS, Ficusoft is your best choice. With years of experience, our instructors are all professional developers with real-world experience who know how to create dynamic single-page and front-end web applications with Angular. Our courses cover every aspect of Angular development and include live projects that will put everything you learn into practice. And because we’re confident that our course content is solid, we offer a 100% money-back guarantee if you’re not completely satisfied after completing a course or workshop! Still, have questions? Ask us! We’re happy to help.

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How To Become A Certified In AngularJS

It is important to note that there are different types of AngularJS. To become certified, you will need to attend a course and pass the certification exam. You can do this by attending an intensive course or an extensive course. The intensive courses are designed for beginners while the extensive courses are designed for those who have a little more experience with AngularJS and want to learn more advanced topics like two-way data binding, routing, and directives. The best way to decide which type, of course, would be best for you is to figure out your current level of knowledge on AngularJS, as well as what aspects you would like to learn about it. If you want to learn the basics and don’t have any previous experience with AngularJS, then an intensive course would be best suited for you. If you know some basics but want to learn more advanced topics like two-way data binding, routing, and directives then it might be better if you took an extensive course

 After you’ve decided which type, of course, is best for you, it’s time to decide how long a course will take. Your chosen course will likely take anywhere from three days to two weeks, so be sure to find one that works with your schedule. Three days would be considered intensive while two weeks would probably be extensive. It all depends on how much time you want to spend learning AngularJS and whether or not you have any previous experience with it at all. After you’ve decided on duration, choose a program based on what type of location and facility would work best for you as well. Do some research and find a place where there are plenty of qualified teachers and several other students so that you can learn more easily through discussions with them.


Several prerequisites must be met before you can start learning Angular. These include:

– Being familiar with HTML and CSS

– Basic JavaScript knowledge and understanding of ES6 syntax

– Familiarity with Git and GitHub

– Familiarity with the command line, including a working knowledge of Linux or Windows operating systems and UNIX commands such as ls, cd, and grep.

– Knowledge of how to create basic webpages using text editors like Notepad++, Sublime Text 3, or Atom is also needed so that you can edit your code outside of a web browser while developing it locally on your computer.

– A strong understanding of what client-side templating means is important because this will help to understand why we use directives (concerning layout), and the difference between controller function versus directive definition object.

– It is also helpful if developers have some knowledge of jQuery since they will already have experience with modifying DOM elements dynamically through the DOM API or jQuery’s AJAX functions which will come in handy when creating advanced applications using AngularJS

– Familiarity with npm, bower, and gulp is recommended.

CAREER OPTION after completing AngularJS

After completing AngularJS, you can find a job as a Front-End Developer. Working with data and making it available to the public is the main duty of Front-End Developers. They usually know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript so that they can create interfaces for data manipulation.

After completing AngularJS, you can find a job as a Front-End Developer. Working with data and making it available to the public is the main duty of Front-End Developers. They usually know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript so that they can create interfaces for data manipulation.

Ficusoft offers three types of AngularJS training: (1) Basic Training; (2) Advanced Training; and (3) Certification Training.

Basic Training includes an overview of the structure of AngularJS apps and how different elements work together. You will also learn how various components communicate with each other within your app as well as use some basic tools like ng serve or ng build. Basic Training does not include any building blocks like directives or services which will be covered in Advanced Training. In Advanced Training, you will learn about custom directives, $http, forms, and validation, accessing RESTful APIs through $http, using unit tests, routing based on user intent/action, etc. The third type of training is called Certification Training. It covers all the aspects including modules like filters, animations, routing, etc., but is designed only for those who want to become certified trainers themselves.

After completing AngularJS at Ficusoft’s courses in Chennai city various career options open up such as becoming a front-end developer by taking up courses from reputed institutes.

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Training Features

Real-Time Experts as Trainers

The most traditional way to learn with increased visibility, monitoring, and control over learners with ease to learn at any time from internet-connected devices.

Live Projects

Case studies based on top industry frameworks help you to relate your learning with real-time based industry solutions.


Adding the scope of improvement and fostering the analytical abilities and skills through the perfect piece of academic work.

Affordable Fees

Get Unlimited access of the course throughout the life providing the freedom to learn at your own pace.


With no limits to learning and in-depth vision from all-time available support to resolve all your queries related to the course.

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Each certification associated with the program is affiliated with the top universities providing edge to gain epitome in the course.
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